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Signs You Have a Collapsed Drain Drainage

Signs You Have a Collapsed Drain

Posted on 05 July, 2021

When it comes to drainage problems, encountering a collapsed drain is one of the more serious issues that can cause a series of knock-on effects throughout the property. 

Given that much of your drainage system is hidden beneath the building and is somewhat complex, identifying the issue in the first place can be tough to figure out. It’s not a good idea to neglect any drainage trouble because, whatever the level of severity, it’s only going to get worse over time! 

To help you determine and start to tackle the problem, our BC Profiles team have put together a list of signs that you have a collapsed drain. 

What is a Collapsed Drain?

A collapsed drain can be hard to diagnose, but a serious problem if left unresolved. Common signs of a collapsed drain include drainage difficulties, sewage smell, structural damage and damp. 

Drainage Difficulties

The first obvious sign that you may have a collapsed or damaged drain is poor drainage. Water draining away slowly would suggest that there’s a blockage or collapse, in which case the former will have to be dealt with before you can fix the latter. 

One-off or infrequent blockages can usually be dealt with by using a drain cleaner, however, if your home regularly experiences blocked drains, it’s likely that the culprit is a collapse somewhere.

A Smell of Sewage

Another issue that will soon be apparent is the smell of sewage around your drains and in your home. If you start to notice this unwelcome stench, it’s more than likely that your pipes are damaged somewhere along the line. 

If this smell does not disappear after treating your drains with a cleaning or unblocking solution, the problem is likely to be a collapsed drain which will require the attention of a professional drainage contractor. 

Damp & Mould

Another telltale sign that you’ve got a potential collapsed drain is the appearance of damp and mould. These issues come about when the flow of water from your drainage channels or pipes is disrupted, causing water to drain into the ground underneath your home that surrounds the piping.

When left untreated, this water will soon cause damp and mould on the walls or floor of the structure. With this in mind, it’s best to get to the source of the problem as soon as you spot any signs of damp. 

Cracks & Structural Damage

If a collapsed drain has been left untreated for a substantial amount of time, it may lead to more severe problems such as cracks and structural damage in or around the property’s floor and walls. 

Unfortunately, there’s no cheap fix for any structural damage and it will require the attention of a professional, so it’s always best to deal with a problem as soon as you spot it to avoid more costly issues down the line. 

Rodents & Other Unwelcome Tenants

If you’ve got a collapsed drain on your hands, it might not be long before the likes of rats and other sewer-dwelling critters decide to move from your underground drainage and start sharing your home. Of course, nobody wants an unwanted tenant on their hands, especially ones who can soon cause additional problems with gnawed holes and damaged wiring. 

We recommend dealing with the infestation problem first, then deal with the collapsed drain as soon as possible. 

If you’re on the hunt for more trustworthy tips and guidance, head over to our help and advice page and follow BC Profiles on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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