Calories Burned Doing DIY
Posted on 05 July, 2021
Thought the gym was the only way to burn calories? Think again.
When it comes to losing weight, we often conjure up thoughts of running on a treadmill or hitting the weights. But data shows that doing DIY jobs around the home can actually help to burn calories too. It’s been found that on average, we burn around 360 calories per hour doing things like plumbing, painting, plastering and sanding. In fact, sawing wood for just one hour can burn off an entire McDonald’s Big Mac and carrying heaving loads can burn around 580 calories, that’s equivalent to 3 slices of Domino’s Pizza!
So if you’re thinking of losing a few pounds, forget the treadmill and pick up a drill instead. Just a few hours of DIY each week can add up to 14lbs of fat loss in a year, that’s an entire stone gone through a bit of DIY.
The data shows exactly how many calories are burned doing specific DIY jobs around the home. This is based on an 83kg man (the average weight of a British Male). It also shows the foods you can burn carrying out each job as well as the exercise it’s equivalent to.
Just one hour of digging in the garden is enough activity to burn off a sausage roll form popular bakery chain Greggs. Combine this with 60 minutes of shovelling and you’ll have burnt a whopping 830 calories. That’s twice the amount burnt though one hour of jogging! The research also shows that one hour of cricket is the same as cleaning the gutters and can burn off a whole Cheeseburger from Burger King.
The numbers are enough to make you think twice about signing up for that expensive gym membership. Instead, why not kill two birds with one stone and complete those DIY tasks you’ve been putting off for months.
Taking all the numbers into account, you could burn an entire stone in one year though just a few hours of DIY each week. So it won’t just be your home that’s in peak condition. Both your waistline and your property will be benefiting from all that hard work.